Will Skateboarding Help Me Lose Weight? (Find Out!)

Whether you’re fresh out of college or someone headed to retirement, all of us are looking for great ways to lose weight and keep fit.

Losing weight is typically a monumental task that requires a lot of determination and patience.

Most people have trouble losing weight for various reasons and have difficulty determining which route is best for them to lose weight.

As long as someone takes the time necessary for physical exercise and proper diet, they’ll be on their way to achieving a healthy lifestyle.

More specifically, with something niche like skateboarding, some of you might be wondering, “will skateboarding help me lose weight?”

To answer this question…yes, skateboarding can help a multitude of people lose weight for countless reasons. Any activity demanding on the body like skateboarding is an excellent way for people to lose weight. Although it might not be as intense as some workouts, it does pack a punch for working out that many people don’t expect.

Generally speaking, losing weight can seem very challenging, but getting in the habit of doing something beneficial like skateboarding can undoubtedly help you in the right direction.

Keep in mind, as a novice skateboarder, it’ll take you time to skate fast and help you burn calories more quickly, but within no time, you’ll begin to see results.

Nevertheless, anything outdoors and beneficial, like skateboarding, is always a good idea to consider doing.

Down below, we’re going to discuss everything related to skateboarding and losing weight.

We’ll discuss how often you should skateboard to lose weight, the best way to lose weight from skateboarding, and how it can help you lose belly fat.

From there, we’ll discuss various other information related to the topic and have a recap after.

Let’s get started!


How often should I skateboard to lose weight?

Determining how often you should skateboard for weight loss depends on your current body weight and goals.

Generally speaking, an hour of physical activity of any kind seems to be a good starting point.

However, it’s important to note that you can’t burn a ton of calories early on with skateboarding if you’re a novice skateboarder.

Obviously, with more practice and execution, you’ll be on your way to losing weight, but give it time.

Nevertheless, once you’re ready to skate fairly vigorously, giving yourself a solid hour will surely give you a great workout.

Plus, skateboarding is extremely fun, and most skaters do it for hours when the opportunity presents itself.

On the other hand, do whatever feels best for you. If you can only skate for 15 minutes without getting out of breath, don’t try to hurt yourself.

Doing too much will only prevent you from getting back after it the following day.

Consistency is vital for losing weight, and when it comes to something like skateboarding, daily use of it is essential.

Keep in mind, remember the importance of diet since it plays such a vital role in losing weight as well as exercising.


What’s the best way to lose weight from skateboarding?

Like anything else, cardio plays a massive role in losing weight, and skateboarding is an excellent way to do a ton of cardio.

If you can ride your board fast, similar to jogging in a way, going out and doing that will do wonders for you.

If you can manage to avoid driving to nearby places and skateboard instead, that’ll work best for you and will surely help you get in perfect shape.

Doing simple things like skating as a means of transportation will do wonders to help you lose weight.

On the other hand, doing something extreme while skating like going up hilly roads, is excellent for your core.

Going up hills while skating is a difficult task, but it has a great reward of going down afterward that’s always a blast.

Lastly, doing complicated tricks can build up your balance and demand from your legs/core that’ll surely help you lose weight.

Obviously, you’ll only be able to do these tricks if you’re an experienced skater, but you’ll be golden as you stick with it.

When it comes to losing weight from skateboarding, demand a bit from yourself.

Don’t push yourself too far, but doing it enough where it becomes beneficial can surely help you get in the right direction of losing weight.


Does skateboarding help lose belly fat?

Whenever someone discusses weight loss, belly fat is the most common concern.

For whatever reason, people and society have an issue with belly fat, when people shouldn’t feel self-conscious about themselves and love themselves for who they are.

Nevertheless, getting as healthy as you can be should always be a priority and losing belly fat from skating is a great way to do it.

Since skateboarding is very demanding on your legs and core, you’ll burn off calories before you know it.

Plus, the faster and more vigorous courses you do, the better it’ll be for you to lose belly fat.

You’ll still burn belly fat from skating very slowly, but remember that what you put in is what you’ll get back in return.

Whatever the case might present itself to be, stick with it.

Remember, you won’t immediately start to see results from something like skating, but as time goes on, you’ll begin to notice the results and head toward the right direction.


How much weight do you lose skateboarding?

Losing weight while skating depends on often you skate and your physical demand while skateboarding.

If you strictly skate to go on casual skate trips instead of doing intense tricks and vigorous skating trips, you obviously won’t lose as much weight.

Nevertheless, if you can do a mixture of the two, as long as it’s in your limits, you can expect to lose a pound every week strictly from skating.

Keep in mind, if you eat an overabundance of unhealthy food after skating, then you won’t see the results you want to see.

You should never starve yourself and eat when you’re hungry, but be mindful of what you consume and what it does for you.

However, with physical requirements in mind, a daily regimen of skateboarding will allow you in the right direction for getting healthy.

Like anything else, you can’t solely rely on something skateboarding to help you lose weight.

However, if you maintain your current diet and do a consistent amount of skateboarding every week, expect to lose a good pound once a week.

Although this might sound slow, a pound a week is very useful for someone’s weight loss journey.


Does skateboarding help give you abs from losing weight?

Yes, skateboarding is excellent to help your core and give you those awesome abs everyone is looking to do.

Plus, if you can get in the habit of doing tricks that are similar to squatting, it’ll help your core in a multitude of ways.

Keep in mind, skateboarding won’t do much for your abs if you’re far away from getting your needed abs, but it’s better to start now than later.

Staying consistent with it and moving in the right direction is all you can do, so don’t give up.

Plus, as you start to do it and get better at skating, you’ll be able to do other tricks that are more demanding on your body.

Losing weight is all about patience and execution, which are two similar components of skating.

Similar to losing belly fat, make sure you do great core exercises from skating, such as skating up hills, and leg oriented tricks.

On the other hand, if you’re feeling adventurous, you can do workouts geared toward skating, such as skateboard planks.


Does skateboarding burn a lot of calories for losing weight?

As you could’ve guessed earlier, skateboarding can burn quite a few calories every week as long as you stay consistent with it.

Skating once a week won’t do much for losing a lot of weight, but doing it at least five times a week is great to burn calories fast.

Generally speaking, an hour-long skate session around 400 calories, which means you can burn 2000 calories a week if you skate five hours a week.

If you skate more vigorously or do it for more time, the more calories, you burn.

If you can manage to maintain a skating schedule, you’ll be looking at burning well-over 2000 calories a week.

Considering so many skaters skate for several hours a day, you’ll be on your way to achieving the goals you want.

However, it’s important to note that since skating burns so many calories, your body will crave feed.

Make sure you give your body what it needs, but try not to eat super late and plan your meals early.


Skating is a great way to lose weight that many people aren’t aware of, but like anything else, sticking with it and getting better will allow it to be an excellent way of losing weight.

Remember to power through and create a schedule for skating that works best for you.