Can You Eat Before Bungee Jumping? (Find Out!)

No matter what’s going on with your life, we can all agree that we’re all searching for something a bit more exciting in our lives.

Especially during the era of COVID-19, we’re all desperately trying to find a sense of normalcy with what we do and hope to do.

There’s an abundance of exciting activities we can do, that many of us might not consider.

Depending on how extreme you want to go, bungee jumping is one of the most sought after extreme-activities.

With this in mind, can you eat before bungee jumping?

To answer this question…no, you shouldn’t eat before bungee jumping since the momentum of it can cause you to feel nausea. Similar to running or going in the pool or anything more extreme than usual, bungee jumping will guarantee you a trip to sick-ville. No matter the case, make sure you’re aware of what you’re putting in your body before bungee jumping.

It’s always an exciting notion to look at something like bungee jumping and see what you can and can’t do it with it.

Considering we all have our hunger needs, many of us might not think about eating and bungee jumping.

Nevertheless, it’s vital to have a deep understanding of particular subjects like eating when it comes to bungee jumping.

Bungee jumping is an intense activity for a reason, and not following the proper rules attached to the manner is never a good idea.

As a result, it’s required for every individual to know their limits and what they shouldn’t do.

Down below, we’re going to discuss everything there is to know about bungee jumping and eating.

We’re going to discuss what bungee jumping is, how much you should eat, if it’s ever a good idea, and much more.

Be sure to utilize this information to help you begin your bungee jumping adventure.

Let’s get started!


Why is it important to not eat a lot before bungee jumping?

The definition of bungee jumping should be able to highlight why you shouldn’t eat a lot before it.

Bungee jumping is defined as the activity of leaping from a high place while secured by a long nylon-cased rubber band around the ankles.

Many thrill-seekers look to try bungee jumping for its uniquely intense experience that’s difficult to find anywhere else.

Many cite skydiving to be very similar to bungee jumping, but less dangerous in the sense that you have a parachute.

Bungee jumping is more intense in the sense that you’re relying on a rubber band to bring you up.

With all of this in mind, of course it doesn’t make much sense to eat a lot right before you do it, think of how sick you’d get.

Nevertheless, since bungee jumping is as intense as it is, there are a lot of rules attached to it.

For starters, there’s typically a weight limit, waivers, and a price for users to start bungee jumping.

There’s an abundance of companies that offer bungee jumping since it’s not possible for people to grab random rubber bands and do it themselves.

Obviously, people doing bungee jumping themselves is never a good idea nor feasible, thus why there are so many companies that are experts in the manner.

Always be aware of the rules attached to the bungee jumping company you want to go with, especially with eating.

No matter the case, it’s always in your best interest to listen to the experts at hand.

As dangerous bungee jumping is, they’ll be able to guide in the right direction and prepare you for something you’ll never forget.

Keep in mind that you shouldn’t eat a lot before you begin your bungee jumping adventure.


How much should you eat before bungee jumping?

Generally speaking, it’s never the most fabulous idea to eat right before bungee jumping.

Since you’re going to be flung around and bouncing up and down, you’ll run the risk of puking if you’ve eaten right before.

There’s a good rule of thumb for planning out eating before bungee jumping.

For starters, take a look at your bungee jumping time and understand how long your body takes to digest food.

It usually takes six to eight hours for your body to fully digest, so make sure you get up early and eat a decent meal.

Keep in mind, don’t have anything too heavy since more decadent food takes longer to digest.

If you keep it nice and light and don’t eat anything right before bungee jumping, you should be golden.

However, everybody is different, so make sure you’re aware of what you should and shouldn’t do.

No matter the case, make sure you’re listening to your body.

A lot of the time, people get nervous before doing the deed of bungee jumping and if this is the case with you, try to calm yourself down.

Aside from food potentially causing you to be sick, nerves can play a similar role.


Is it ever a good idea to eat before bungee jumping?

For the most part, you should never eat right before bungee jumping.

Obviously, this doesn’t mean you should starve yourself all day, but to be aware of what you’re eating before committing yourself to something like bungee jumping.

Considering bungee jumping is as intense of an activity as it is, it’s an exciting subject to understand how complex it is with eating and not eating before.

Since humans are always hungry one way or another, it’s a bit complicated to pinpoint how long you should eat beforehand.

Nevertheless, as long as you use common sense and get an understanding of what you should and shouldn’t do, you’ll be fine.

For the most part, be aware of what your body is telling you and never force yourself to do anything without the proper measures in place.

If you’re in dire need of food prior to beginning, try to eat something extremely light, but not right before.

As long as it’s an hour or so before, you should be fine, but make sure it’s not a large meal.

Save your larger meals six to eight hours before so you can properly digest it.


How long before bungee jumping should I eat?

If you can’t go a bit of time without eating your usual meals, considering booking your bungee jumping timeslot earlier the day.

Booking it at an earlier timeslot will allow you to enjoy the rest of your day like you usually.

Although booking it later will allow you to get ready, it can cause you to be more nervous and hungry as time goes on.

No one wants an experience like bungee jumping to go sour due to nausea or something else that can be avoided.

Nevertheless, if you can go six to eight hours without eating before bungee jumping, that’ll be perfect.

Make sure you’re hydrated and eat a small snack if you’re incredibly hungry, but don’t indulge in something like McDonald’s right before.

No matter how good you think your stomach is or something like that, realize you run the risk of causing yourself an onslaught of problems due to your laziness with not eating.

Keep in mind, never purposely starve yourself, but realize what eating too much can do while you bungee jump.


Why is eating before bungee jumping a bad idea?

As stated throughout the article already, eating before bungee jumping is a bad idea for a multitude of reasons.

For starters, since bungee jumping causes you to bounce up and down, making you feel nauseous, you most likely will puke with food in your system.

From another perspective, food can make you feel uncomfortable or bloated before bungee jumping.

If this is the case, you run the risk of not enjoying your intense bungee jumping activity, which will only waste your time and money.

On the other hand, you might have to go to the bathroom right as you’re about to jump.

If you’re someone who gets frightened easily, you might have an accident if you catch my drift.

As embarrassing puking might be, imagine how wetting yourself will go.

No matter how you look at it, there’s a perfect explanation of why eating before bungee jumping is a bad idea.

If this is the case with you, make sure you’re aware of it and try not to do something just for the sake of doing it.


Can you get sick from eating before bungee jumping?

On top of possibly having an accident and feeling nauseous, you can also get severely sick from eating before bungee jumping.

Considering our bodies are more or less a temple that requires us to take care of it, you never know what can go wrong with something like bungee jumping.

As a result, it’s vital for us to properly care for ourselves and take the measures necessary to not run the risk of getting sick.

Plus, with something like bungee jumping, you’re investing your time and money into it, so you might as well enjoy it.

Bungee jumping is an extremely frightening and intense activity that should be worth considering if you’re up for the challenge.

Remember to be aware of what you’re eating and how much you’re eating, so you know if you’re okay to bungee jump.

If done correctly, you will have the time of your life and will be able to tell countless people in your life about the exciting activity of bungee jumping.