Can Skateboard Wheels Be Used On Roller Skates?

Whenever someone discusses the subject of skateboarding and roller skating, frequently, modding is a topic that gets brought up.

Whether it’s an expert BMX rider telling you about the importance of removing something from a bike or a roller skater removing their brakes, there’s a lot that goes on in the modding world of extreme sports.

With a subject like this in mind, can skateboard wheels be used on roller skates?

To answer this question…yes, skateboard wheels can be used on roller skates as long as they have the same axle and are roughly the same size. If they’re way too large or small and the axle is much different, then you won’t be able to use one over the other. Skateboard wheels are great wheels for a reason, and flipping them out on your roller skate is a fun mod many roller skaters enjoy doing.

Looking at something like this begs the question of why someone would even consider using their skateboarding wheels on their roller skates.

Determining why is a question in and of itself, but it’s essential to note that many people do it for what it adds to roller skating.

Aside from what it adds, it can be a quick fix in case your wheel breaks or falls off on your roller skate.

Whatever the case might be, it’s essential to highlight the reasons why as a way to take a closer look at the subject regarding skateboard wheels and roller skates.

Nevertheless, down below, we’re going to take a closer look at skateboard wheels being used for roller skating.

We’ll discuss why people do this in the first place, how you can do it, tips for doing it, and much more information involved in the matter.

Be sure to utilize all of the information listed to help you in the long run with a process like this.

You never know what you might learn and how it can be useful to you.

Let’s get started!


Why do people use skateboard wheels on roller skates?

Whenever you ask why someone might do something, preference is technically the only correct answer.

Depending on who you ask, some might be totally against using skateboard wheels in this fashion, while others will say it’s essential.

No matter who you ask, it’s vital to find out why something happens the way it does and what it means to the person involved.

With something like skateboard wheels on roller skates, this is a very niche subject, but the answers can still be found.

Most people who do this tend to cite stability as the primary reason why.

Skateboard wheels are incredibly stable and reliable primarily if they’re used properly.

As a result, many flip the wheels out on a roller skate for these kinds of wheels since they’re much stabler than traditional roller skate wheels.

Generally speaking, the wheels are more wide-set, which means they’re a bit more abrupt feeling than traditional roller skate wheels.

Although that harsh feeling may seem negative, it’s not since many skaters prefer this.

The abrupt nature can allow users to brake easier and do tricks in a more familiar way with riding a skateboard.

People who skate a lot may want to have that similar wheel feeling on everything they do, causing them to switch out the wheels on their roller skates.


How do you use skateboard wheels on roller skates?

The process of putting skateboard wheels on roller skates is much more straightforward than most people realize.

It shouldn’t take you any longer than a few minutes and doesn’t require anything too crazy to do.

Like anything else, make sure you have the proper tools to do it like an Allen wrench and a screwdriver.

Once you have the two, double-check you’re in an area where nothing can get lost easily.

If a screw or something gets lost, you’re only going to make the process much harder for you.

Begin by unscrewing the nut from each wheel with your skate apparatus.

Spot the device over the nut, and turn it counterclockwise until the nut falls off.

Remove the wheels from their jolts and put the new wheels on the jolts.

From here, put the nuts back on the screws.

Slide the nut onto the fastener, level end first, and turn it clockwise with your fingers.

Wrap up the nuts with your skate apparatus.

At this point, you’ve successfully flipped out wheels.

This process can be done with changing out the wheels your skateboard as well.

No matter the kind of wheel or the product itself, the method of changing wheels is straightforward to do and shouldn’t take you very long to understand what to do.


What are some tips for using skateboard wheels on roller skates?

Like anything else, there are a good amount of tips from professionals in the field who know what they’re doing.

Following these tips can help you get an understanding of what you should and shouldn’t do.

Basically, the matter’s information is essential from any angle, no matter what you hope to do.

Make sure you follow the instructions closely and are mindful of what you’re doing.

You should never try to rush the process since that seems only to cause more harm than good.

Nevertheless, double-check that you have all of the tools necessary to do it.

Trying to do it by hand with something that won’t work correctly or something separate altogether is never a good idea.

Instructions are there for a reason, so follow them closely.

Trying to rush the process or skip over something is never a good idea, especially regarding something as step oriented as removing and replacing wheels.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to reach out to help.

Anyone in the skating world who has been in it for a while will be able to help you.

As long as you’re patient and not trying to rush the process, a skate shop will be more than welcoming with the questions you have.


What should be avoided while using skateboarding wheels on roller skates?

Like the tips involved in doing the process, there are many guidelines for what you shouldn’t do.

Whether it’s the specifics involved in the wheels’ size or what you need to do, there’s a lot of information related to the subject.

Make sure the wheel you intend to put on your roller skate will fit and work efficiently for starters.

It’ll be a nightmare if you take everything apart, just to find out the wheel you intend to put on won’t work at all.

If you find yourself in this case, don’t be afraid to backtrack and find a wheel that will work.

If you don’t think you have one that’ll work, don’t worry about it.

You can either order some wheels online or go to a local skate shop for their advice.

Whatever the case might be, it’s always in your best interest to listen to the experts around you.

Ignoring them or trying to do everything yourself tends never to work out, especially when it comes to something as niche as this.

Still, ask yourself if what you hope to do is worth it.

If you only want to put skateboard wheels on your roller skates for no reason other than for fun, you may want to consider another route.

Riding roller skates with these kinds of wheels is quite different than standard roller skating, and it should be noted.


Is it dangerous to use skateboard wheels on roller skates?

There isn’t anything too dangerous to note as far as the danger tied to skateboard wheels on roller skates is concerned.

As long as you do everything correctly, you indeed only have to learn how they’ll operate differently with these new wheels.

Since skateboard wheels are more abrupt than traditional roller skate wheels, a lot is going on with how you’ll operate your roller skates.

As a result, make sure you take the time necessary to do what you hope to do.

On the other hand, if you do the process wrong, then there’s a significant risk of concern that should be noted.

If done wrong, you run the risk of crashing with your roller skate on or them breaking while you ride.

If a wheel isn’t put on properly or isn’t appropriate for your roller skates, make sure don’t try to force the situation from occurring.

You never know what might go wrong and you might as well play it safe than sorry.

For the most part, it’s always in your best interest to know what can go wrong and what you should do.

You never know when an issue might present itself and you’ll need to go out and figure it out before it goes too wrong.

Skateboarding and roller skating will remain a popular field, especially in the modding world as people switch out the wheels of both for some extra fun.

Whatever your interest in the matter might be, consider checking out local skate shops near you for more information.