Are Parachutes Allowed On Planes? (Answered!)

Parachutes and planes go together like peanut butter and jelly.

Everyone who jumps out of an aircraft for a hobby will likely have a parachute strapped to their back.

If you’re traveling on a commercial plane, it’s less common to see parachutes onboard or under your chair.

So what if you’re a nervous flyer or a skydiver who’s traveling somewhere?

Are you allowed to bring a parachute with you on a plane?

According to the TSA, you are allowed to bring parachutes on a plane. The equipment needs to be packed separately from your other luggage, and you must be able to allow for a TSA officer to inspect it if they request to do so. You should also review your equipment after you’ve landed to ensure everything is still in working order.

This is good news for skydivers who like to travel the world and skydive.

You won’t need to worry about taking a smaller aircraft, renting gear in another location, or buying brand new equipment every time you want to go skydiving.

Instead, you can walk on board a plane with your parachute on your back.

Here’s what you need to know if you choose to do just that.


What Types Of Parachutes Are Allowed On Planes?

You’re allowed to bring parachutes with and without an automatic activation device onboard a plan.

An automatic activation device or AAD is a mechanical device that automatically opens the main chute or reserve container at a pre-set altitude or after a certain period of time.

It can mean that the user has not opened the parachute or is malfunctioning and not slowing down sufficiently.

Not every parachute has an AAD, even though it’s an essential piece of safety equipment.

But even if your equipment isn’t fitted with one, then you’re still able to bring it on board.

Your next question might be, can an AAD go off during the flight?

The answer is no.

It needs to be activated in order for the parachute to be deployed.

The AAD calculates the jumper’s altitude and rate of descent by measuring changes in barometric pressure.

So no matter what type of parachute you choose to use for skydiving, you’ll be able to bring it with you on your flight.

Just remember that no matter what kind of parachute you’re getting, you’ll likely need to remove the parachute from the container when you check-in as the TSA officers will want to thoroughly inspect your equipment before you board the plane.


Where Are You Allowed To Store Your Parachute On A Plane?

If you are going to bring your parachute on board, then you need to know a few things about where you’re going to be storing it while you’re enjoying the in-flight entertainment.

You are able to store your parachute as carryon bags or checked with your larger luggage.

You also won’t be able to pack your equipment with your toiletries and other clothes.

They need to be packed separately.

It’s also common for TSA agents to inspect parachutes when you’re checking in.

They may want to review your equipment before you check it in or bring it with you on board.

It’s recommended that if you are traveling with a parachute that you arrive at a minimum thirty minutes earlier than you usually would.

This will ensure that your parachute will get adequately inspected, and you won’t miss your flight.

Parachutes are considered special luggage, and that requires extra steps in order to bring them on board a plane.


What Planes Already Have Parachutes Onboard?

Some smaller planes will have parachutes fitted onboard, or you’re encouraged to bring one with you when you step on it.

The pilots will always have a parachute near them or fitted under their chair, especially if it’s a plane that is doing aerobatics.

Due to the tricks the aircraft are performing, there is a high risk that something may go wrong.

The most common issues that can occur are over-stressing of the plane or entering into an unrecoverable spin.

Flying a light aircraft that’s not designed for aerobatics will not usually be fitted with parachutes.

This is because they tend to fly too low that you wouldn’t have time to deploy the parachute if you jumped out of the plane.

The other issue is that the wash from the propellor and the slipstream can prevent the door from opening.

Light aircraft that is used for skydiving need to be specially modified to allow for the doors to open.

For all other types of planes, it’s unlikely that a parachute will be on board.

So you’ll need to bring your own if you want one with you.


Why Aren’t Parachutes Already Fitted On-Board Commercial Planes?

You might be wondering why you would need to bring a parachute on a plane.

Most commercial planes already have safety equipment from passengers just in case something goes wrong.

But they don’t have parachutes fitted onboard.

There are some good reasons why they aren’t, though.

For starters, parachutes are bulky, heavy, and expensive items.

They wouldn’t easily fit under your seat like the air vest does. B

ecause of that, there is nowhere else they could be stored on a plane for so many passengers.

They’re also heavy, which means fewer passengers would have to be on the plane to compensate for the weight.

They would require regular inspection and repacking, even if they’re not used.

The costs to put them on every commercial plane would also be significant, and likely raise the price of airfares.

Another good reason is that most passengers are not trained to use them.

If you’re a skydiver, you’ll know that you had to go through some specific training on how to use a parachute.

This would be longer than the safety video that is shown at the beginning of most flights.

They would need to know how to strap it on correctly, open it, and then safely land.

With anxiety and stress at a high due to the need arising to use a parachute, it would be reckless to put people in that situation.

There also isn’t a safe way to jump out of a standard commercial plane.

The aircraft would need to be completely redesigned to incorporate a door specifically for jumping.

You wouldn’t be able to take the leap out of the side doors or the emergency exits.

If you were, it’s likely you’d hit the wing or the tail of the plane.

The best way would be to install a ramp on the rear of the cabin to allow people to parachute to safety.


Do You Need To Bring A Parachute On A Plane?

In the unlikely event that something was to go wrong on a plane, a parachute is sadly not going to help.

This is due to the design of the aircraft that there is no safe way to jump out.

It’s not possible to leap out of the doors or the emergency exits.

You’re not expected to bring your own parachute with you when flying, so the only reason for you to have a parachute on board is if you’re traveling with it for recreational purposes.

If you’re an avid skydiver, the last thing that you want to do is have to borrow equipment from the providers or purchase a new parachute that you won’t bring back with you.

If you do plan on bringing your parachute with you, you’ll have to make sure that you pack it separately from your other luggage.

You will also need to arrive at the airport earlier than you planned to as the TSA is likely to inspect your parachute.

Their rules also state that they are not responsible for repackaging the parachute.

So you’ll need to make extra time for this.

But the good news is that after it’s securely packaged, you’ll be able to board the plane with your own personal parachute by your side.